priy vyakti example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Numerous walking trails in this region are a favourite with trekkers.
Gemini Studios was the favourite haunt of poets like S.
But on reading it Duttada lost all his lethargy and rushed to his favourite rasagolla shop.
It must be dreadful for you not to have a pet bird as we have.
“I have a pet bird which sings the most charming songs to me and I don't know what on earth I should do with a green and yellow parrot.Given are the examples of hindi word priy vyakti usage in english sentences. The examples of priy vyakti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., duck, favourite, pet, dear.
Neinuo was eating her favourite food — boiled rice, squash, pumpkins, beans and meat.आज नेइनुओ अपना पसंदीदा खाना खा रही थी- चावल, स्क्वॉश, कद्दू, बीन्स और गोश्त|
Numerous walking trails in this region are a favourite with trekkers.
Gemini Studios was the favourite haunt of poets like S.
But on reading it Duttada lost all his lethargy and rushed to his favourite rasagolla shop.
It must be dreadful for you not to have a pet bird as we have.
His favourite writer was Thomas Hardy, his favourite book Far from the Madding Crowd.
Finally, he allowed the puppy to crawl on his back and rest there! One of Timothy's favourite amusements was to stalk anyone who would play with him, and so, when I came to live with Grandfather, I became one of the tiger's favourites.
His favourite place in the house was the drawing-room, and he would make himself comfortable on the long sofa, reclining there with great dignity, and snarling at anybody who tried to get him off.
When out for a walk with me, he would try to steal away to stalk a cat or someone's pet dog.
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